Normandy Sunrise by Gerald Coulson. In the brightening morning sky, Hawker Typhoons are prepared for the first sortie of the day. One has already fired up its big, powerful engine, blowing up whirlwinds of Normandy dust, ground crew hover, ready to remove chocks prior to taxi and take-off. A second is readied, while the remainder of the squadron, widely dispersed around the temporary field, are about to set about their deadly missions of the day. Each edition is signed by the artist Gerald Coulson along with distinguished Typhoon pilots: Flight Lieutenant JAMES KYLE DFM Warrant Officer DOUGLAS ORAM Flying Officer FRANK WHEELER DFC The Battle of Normandy editions are additionally signed by: Sir JOHN ATKINSON KCB DFC Flight Lieutenant ROY CRANE Warrant Officer JACK HODGES DFC Squadron Leader L FW STARK DFC*, AFC, C de G (Belg) 300 Limited Editions 200 Battle of Normandy Editions Overall Size: 27 inches x 21 inches (69cm x 53cm)

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