A flak-damaged Lancaster struggles across the airfield perimeter as it returns to base after a precision raid over enemy territory. After writing a new chapter in aviation history with the famous Dams Raid of May 1943, 617 Squadron went on to execute many more daring operations including the sinking of the Tirpitz. Often flying specially modified Lancasters with enlarged bomb bay doors to accommodate the huge 12,000lb 'Tallboy', they specialised in high-value precision targets such as canals, tunnels and U-Boat pens. All editions are signed and numbered by the artist along with the following distinguished RAF aircrew veterans: Tony Iveson DFC, AE, CRAeS (617 Squadron pilot who flew on all three Tirpitz raids) Lawrence ‘Benny’ Goodman (617 Squadron pilot) William Burnett (617 Squadron - Flight Engineer to ‘Benny’ Goodman). The Artist Proofs and Remarques are additionally signed by: Richard Todd OBE (played Guy Gibson in the historic film The Dambusters) Harold Roddis (Flight Mechanic on the 617 Squadron Dambuster aircraft) Jim Brookbank (Bomb Aimer 9 Squadron) Ted Cachart (WOP 49 Squadron, POW and youngest (15) WOP in RAF) Geoff Brunton (49 Squadron) Jim Inward DFC (Flight Engineer 35, 76 and 578 Squadrons, 47 Ops) Jim Auton MBE (Nav/Air Bomber on Liberators based in Italy, took part in the air-bridge to Warsaw, Poland - bombed the Ploesti oil fields) Peter Bond (Bomb Aimer 100 & 156 Pathfinder squadrons) 225 Limited Editions 25 Artist Proofs - SOLD OUT 25 Remarques - SOLD OUT Overall Size: 28 x 20 inches